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About Us

Welcome to Barnwood Park School.




Education is about enjoying the journey and not just racing to the destination. Students need to be challenged and stimulated, whilst feeling happy, safe and secure. This will enable them to develop the confidence and maturity to make the most of the opportunities available to them so that they can maximise their potential and grow into effective members of society.

Staff at the school are committed to ensuring that the students at Barnwood Park are challenged and supported through inspiring and motivating, high quality teaching and learning across all subjects, ages and abilities through a well-balanced curriculum which offers maximum opportunities for success.

It is important that the students feel that their voice is important and listened to, and we aim to develop this in all areas of their school life so that they can develop a sense of pride in themselves and their school. We expect to see very high standards, whether it be through work ethic, behaviour or uniform. These high standards must be reflected in everything we do. Effort and achievement is celebrated and rewarded to ensure students develop a pride in their work, themselves and in their school.  

We very much look forward to meeting you and your child and working with you both as they grow and develop into a successful young adult, equipped for life.